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DC Public Education Boundary and Student Assignment Study 2023 Town Halls

December Town Halls

During the third and final set of Boundary and Student Assignment Study town halls held on December 12 at Anacostia High School and December 13-14 virtually, participants reviewed and provided feedback on the ideas under consideration for DCPS boundary and feeder patterns and potential student assignment policy recommendations. In addition, they received an introduction to the next iteration of the online web tool

September Town Halls

During the second set of Boundary and Student Assignment Study town halls held on September 26 and September 27, participants reviewed the landscape of DCPS boundaries and student assignment analysis, provided feedback on potential policy tools, and received an introduction to the online web tool. Both town halls covered the same content. Find materials from both town halls below. This round of town halls was originally scheduled for July. Based on Advisory Committee feedback, the town hall meetings were held in September.

Spring Town Halls

During the first set of Boundary and Student Assignment Study town halls held on May 16 and May 17, participants heard an overview of the study process, goals, timeline, and provided feedback about guiding principles and challenges around clear student assignments to by-right schools and feeder pathways. Both town halls covered the same content. Find materials from both town halls below.

The Guiding Principles Feedback Survey is now closed. Please share your feedback through the Boundary Study general feedback form

Learn more about the Boundary and Student Assignment Study 2023.