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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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Educator Tools and Publications

Boundary and Student Assignment Study 2023 Final Report - The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) conducted a comprehensive review of District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) boundaries and feeder patterns and public school student assignment policies in 2023. This review focused on solving current and anticipated future challenges relating to clear rights, adequate capacity, and equitable access to public schools for the next 10 years. View the Boundary and Student Assignment Study here.

DC Public Education Master Facilities Plan 2023 - This plan is a strategic vision for the enhancement and optimization of educational infrastructure in the District addressing current challenges and promoting long-term sustainability, The Master Facilities Plan and its recommendations were developed through a comprehensive analysis of the conditions, utilization, enrollment trends, capital investment history, and maintenance trends of the District's public schools. View the Master Facilities Plan here.

2023 School Funding Study Final Report - The charge of the 2023 School Funding Study is to re-examine funding adequacy for the District’s students. Our approach sought to triangulate national research, rich data, and deep and diverse stakeholder input – gathered through a variety of methods – to arrive at outcomes that are more actionable and aligned to the lived experience of those most impacted by the work. View the School Funding Study here.

Strengthening School Safety in Washington, DC: Report and Recommendations - These recommendations emerged from deep community and stakeholder engagement, most notably with young people. In addition, the Committee evaluated our existing school-based safety work, conducted data analyses, and explored the relevant local and national research. The Committee endeavored, through all of this, to remain focused on the root causes of school-related violence and thereby to prioritize prevention and mitigation efforts. View the School Safety report here.

Strengthening Student Access and Success in Dual Enrollment in Washington, DC: Report and Recommendations - Dual Enrollment is a key component of the Bowser Administration’s vision to reimagine and strengthen the high school experience in Washington, DC. The goal of this work is that every DC student, regardless of their background or zip code, will graduate prepared for life after high school. View the Dual Enrollment report here.

DC School Safety Resource Guide - The DME has compiled a resource guide to help schools navigate available resources and supports to enhance safety and wellness for their campuses. This includes a DC School Safety Resource one-pager, contacts and information on how to request services from the Department of Behavioral Health, information on weekly calls for Safe Passage Priority Areas, and details on communication channels with public safety agencies and available resources. View the resource guide here.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Landscape Scan - The scan details how schools integrate SEL policies and practices, and the system-wide support available to foster the development of students’ and adults’ socio-emotional competencies. The data collection and analysis for this scan occurred between January and July 2023. The goal of this work is to ensure every student in Washington DC has the necessary socio-emotional skills – conflict resolution, self-management, positive decision-making, and relationship-building – to engage and succeed in DC’s reimagined high school experience, workforce pathways, and beyond. View the SEL Landscape Scan here.

Youth Work-Based Learning Opportunities - The District is investing in a reimagined system that prepares our youth to succeed in high-wage, high-demand careers through career exploration, career preparedness, and career launch. View the work-based learning roadmap here.

The DME provided curated resources for educators to support student and family engagement during the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency.

Student Loan Forgiveness Webinar - Now that the COVID-19 payment pause has ended, student loan payments have restarted. Recorded in September 2023, this webinar provides DC educators with essential insights and strategies to navigate student loan repayments, optimize the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, and learn if loan consolidation is right for them. View the webinar here.

DME Bulletins - The DME bulletins provide periodic updates with useful information for students, families, teachers, and school leaders. View the DME Bulletins here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Colleges and Universities - As colleges and universities in the District reopen their campuses, DC Government has issued guidance on measures that should be taken to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission among students and staff. Reopening guidance for colleges and universities can be found here.

Student and Family Engagement During Learning at Home - Resources for schools as they reach out to families and check on the well-being of students and their families. View the student and family engagement resources here.

Digital Resources - Resources for schools and students related to internet connectivity, devices, and digital learning. View the digital resources here.

Resources for Special Populations - Current available resources include strategies to support english learner students. View the resources for special student populations here.

Mental Health and Wellbeing - Resources related to mental health and wellbeing for schools, students, and families. View the mental health resources here.

DC Schools Family Survey Results - Preliminary analysis of resident feedback provided on the DC Schools Family Survey. View the report here