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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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Office of Education Through Employment Pathways (ETEP)

Who We Are:

The Office of Education Through Employment Pathways (ETEP) is focused on ensuring that DC youth and adults are on a path to economic mobility and prosperity through access to education and workforce programming that provide the skills and experience necessary to thrive.

What We Do:

ETEP is responsible for supporting District residents on the path to access good jobs and achieve economic mobility, and supporting employers in the development of a local talent pipeline.

How We Do It:

  • Building a clear picture of opportunities and supports that are setting DC residents up for economic mobility through the creation of the District’s Education through Employment Data project, which will build a longitudinal picture of how residents are served by District education and workforce programming throughout their lifetime; 
  • Leveraging data-driven insights to inform District investments and policymaking focused on aligned pathways from education through employment, post-secondary planning and support, and industry-responsive continuous improvement;  
  • Empowering residents and the organizations that serve them to make informed decisions about the education and workforce programs that best fit their needs through access to public information on program outcomes; and  
  • Supporting employers in building a local talent pipeline through access to public information about aligned programs, training opportunities, and outcomes from the education and workforce systems.

The Education Through Employment Data System

The Education Through Employment Data System will measure the impact of PK-12 education, higher education, and public workforce programs on access to family-sustaining careers and economic mobility. This project will produce insights that allow District program providers, policymakers, agency leaders, educators, and the public to better understand the impact of education and workforce programs on employment outcomes for District residents. 

See more:
Education Through Employment Data System Policy Board
Education Through Employment Data System Public Stakeholder Advisory Board
Education Through Employment Data System Mission and Vision*
Education Through Employment Data System Research Agenda*
Misión y visión del Sistema de datos de Educación a través del Empleo*
Agenda de investigación del Sistema de datos de Educación a través del Empleo*

*ETEP solicited feedback on this document during a public engagement period from May 6, 2024, to June 30, 2024. The document will be revised based on this public feedback and re-released in fall 2024.


Our overview of the Office of Education Through Employment Pathways and its impact on resident, community, employer, and government stakeholders, ”Launching DC’s Education Through Employment Data System”

Our recap of why the District is developing the Education Through Employment Data System, ”Office of Education Through Employment Pathways: Frequently Asked Questions”

Our visual of how the DC Education Through Employment Data System will bridge information gaps across many DC agencies and organizations, "DC Needs Integrated Information to Support All Residents on the Path to Economic Mobility"

Our map of how information from the Education Through Employment Data System can support any residents' post-secondary plan, "A Resident's Path to College and Career Success"

Mathematica’s Education-to-Workforce Indicator Framework Case Study on DC, “Grounding DC’s Education Through Employment Data System in Equity and Economic Opportunity”

Our April 2024 analysis on access to Career and Technical Education courses in the District, "18% of DC Students in High School, Alternative, and Adult Programs Are Taking CTE Courses," and its appendix


Implementation Timeline

ETEP Implementation Phase I.pngETEP Implementation Phase II.png

Connect With Us:

We value community voice and will be conducting ongoing outreach to inform the development of the ETEP's work. If you are interested in receiving updates on the project as it evolves, please complete this interest form.   

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Monica Dodge, Executive Director of the Office of Education Through Employment Pathways, at [email protected]