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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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2023 School Funding Study

Friday, March 22, 2024

The Office of the Deputy Mayor of Education (DME) underwent a School Funding Study in 2023. The charge of this funding study is to re-examine funding adequacy for the District’s students. But our students’ context demands that the study rethink traditional funding adequacy study methods and take a more holistic approach to deeply understand what resources are needed to meet students where they are and support them fully. Ultimately, this approach sought to triangulate national research, rich data, and deep and diverse stakeholder input – gathered through a variety of methods – to arrive at outcomes that are more actionable and aligned to the lived experience of those most impacted by the work.

The UPSFF serves as a critical and central element to ensure funding adequacy and equity across schools and student groups in the District. The District’s public education system is also supported by many other funding streams and mechanisms, including resources provided by other District agencies. As such, the goals of the 2023 School Funding Study were to examine the UPSFF in context and in acknowledgment of diverse needs across schools and student groups to understand:

  • How do schools use their dollars today? What’s working and where are there gaps?
  • How should the District allocate UPSFF dollars moving forward to accelerate learning and better support the unique needs of schools and students?
  • How should the District allocate non-UPSFF dollars to build and maintain strong instruction and an ecosystem of student supports?

Accordingly, while primarily focused on the UPSFF, this study also provides recommendations regarding District funding and resource allocation to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and schools flowing through the UPSFF, through targeted grants and pilot programs, and through city-wide agencies.

For any questions or comments about the report and recommendations, email Michelle Yan at [email protected].