2014 MFP Annual Supplement
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) partnered with Department of General Services (DGS), DC Public School (DCPS), and the DC Public Charter School Board (PCSB) to release the 2014 Master Facilities Plan (MFP) Annual Supplement. An annual supplement to the MFP is required pursuant the "Comprehensive Planning and Utilization of School Facilities Act of 2014."
The 2014 MFP Annual Supplement includes the following facility data for DCPS and some for Public charter schools:
- Facility utilization
- Facility conditions,
- Facility needs,
- Public school enrollments and enrollment projections (pending),
- DCPS facility designation (current status for how the building is being used), and
- DCPS education plans for buildings categorized as under-utilized or over-utilized
- Press Release - 2014 MFP Annual Supplement
2014 MFP Annual Supplement Report
- Appendix A - DCPS Facility Data and Utilization Plan(s)
- Appendix B - Public Charter Facility Data, SY14-15
- Appendix C - DCPS Schools- Facilities Condition Assessment Summary (FCS)
- Appendix D - SY14-15 Audited Enrollment by LEA and by School
- Appendix E - DCPS Facility Designation List
- Appendix F - MFP Addendum Vacant Designations April 2015