(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Bowser released a preliminary report of feedback from District residents as the search continues for a new Chancellor of District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). Last night, Mayor Bowser attended the second meeting of the DCPS Rising Leadership Committee to discuss the community’s reactions and input thus far. An additional meeting of the Committee has been added to provide the Committee with enough time to make recommendations to the Mayor on the factors that she should consider when making her selection.
“I thank District residents for participating and providing thoughtful feedback as we search for a new Chancellor,” said Mayor Bowser. “I look forward to making a selection only when we find the right candidate that reflects the values that District residents want to see. My decision is driven by finding the right candidate, not a date on the calendar.”
In July, Mayor Bowser established the DCPS Rising Leadership Committee, a group of 17 individuals from all eight wards. She also announced the selection of Boyden, an executive search firm, to work collaboratively with Deputy Mayor for Education Jennie Niles to identify the best candidate for Chancellor.
The Deputy Mayor for Education has also held two stakeholder engagement calls with community members and led three community engagement forums across the District to hear from residents about their priorities for DCPS and the qualities, skills, and experience residents want to see in the next Chancellor.
Residents who were unable to attend the community forums should provide feedback by Friday, September 23 by visiting www.engagedcps.org.
The preliminary report provides a high-level snapshot of what residents are looking for in the next Chancellor, whether DCPS is headed in the right direction, and what the next Chancellor should prioritize.
District residents can find the report and more information about the selection process HERE.