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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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2016 Master Facilities Plan Supplement

Monday, July 31, 2017

On July 31, 2017, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) released the 2016 Master Facilities Plan (MFP) Annual Supplement, pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 38-2803, in partnership with the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), the DC Public Charter School Board (PCSB), the Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE), and the Department of General Services (DGS). The 2016 MFP Supplement provides information for DCPS and DC public charter schools regarding the following:

  • Current enrollment and enrollment projections for DCPS and public charter schools;
  • Facility capacity and utilization, and plans for DCPS facilities that are under- or over-utilized;
  • Facility conditions and needs for both DCPS and public charter schools;
  • DCPS modernization status;
  • DCPS facility classification; and
  • DCPS vacant facility information.

Residents can use the 2016 MFP Supplement as a data resource and to learn more about the proactive steps the District is taking to alleviate overcrowding in schools as well as to increase enrollment in schools that are not being utilized to their optimal capacity. The 2016 MFP Supplement also describes the availability of and future plans for vacant DCPS facilities, including their use as swing space during school modernizations. As a complement to the 2016 MFP Supplement, residents can also access a map that shows the location and stage of modernizations for DCPS facilities.

In 2018, DME will release the 10-year Master Facilities Plan. The 10-year MFP provides an opportunity to inform strategic, long-term planning for DCPS and public charter school facilities. The MFP will include up-to-date school facility conditions, enrollment growth projections, and long-term facilities maintenance plans.

You can access the 2016 MFP Supplement and appendices by clicking on the attachments below:

  • 2016 MFP Annual Supplement
  • Appendix A - DCPS SY2016-17 Enrollment Data
  • Appendix B - PCS SY2016-17 Enrollment Data
  • Appendix C - FY17 DCPS Asset Condition Ratings
  • Appendix D - DC PCSB Public Charter Facility Survey Findings 16-17
  • Appendix E - SY2016-17 Audited Enrollment by LEA and by School
  • Appendix F - DCPS SY2016-17 Facility Classification
  • Appendix G - Vacant Designations

Click here to access a map of DCPS Schools by Modernization Type.
Click here to access a map of DCPS Utilization Rates by school.