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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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DC Cross Sector Collaboration Task Force Goals


The Task Force will focus its efforts on recommending strategies and solutions for the priority issues that will have the most impact on improving student outcomes for all public schools in the District of Columbia.  The Task Force will:

Develop methods for information sharing with the public and across public school sectors.  Priority issues and projects include:

  • Promote resource sharing networks for best practices
  • Make school planning data accessible to the public

Develop a framework for coordinating processes on school openings, closings, and facilities planning. Priority issues and projects include:

  • Develop guiding principles on what data and information should inform program and facilities planning
  • Establish formal processes for securing and considering public input
  • Determine decision making timelines

Promote enrollment stability. Priority issues and projects include: 

  • Recommend policies to decrease student mobility
  • Identify ways in which to address the challenges faced by schools that have high mobility rates
  • Explore cross-sector feeder patterns

Identify educational challenges that need to be addressed through cross-sector collaboration, for instance, increasing high school graduation rates, re-engaging disengaged youth, or creating more career and technical education opportunities.

Improve the experience of parents and families understanding and navigating their public school options.  Priority issues and projects include: 

  • Increase parent/guardian access to robust and clear data and information on school performance. 
  • Enhance My School DC and Learn DC platforms to reflect meaningful information that families need to better navigate their school rights and choices.
  • Explore centralization and automation of the Universal Healthcare Certificate and the residency verification process.