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Boundary and Student Assignment Study 2023 - Elementary School Boundary Neighbors

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

This datasheet compares the shares of students who are designated as "at risk" at boundary adjacent or neighboring DCPS elementary schools. The difference between the shares of students is presented for neighboring schools, or those DCPS elementary schools with boundaries that border each other. The pairs of neighboring schools do not take into account physical and geographic barriers between the schools such as the Anacostia River, parks, or major roads nor the distance between the individual schools. The reader should take this into account when considering potential pairs of schools. This datasheet and corresponding map were prepared for the 2023 DC Boundary and Student Assignment Study. The corresponding map can be found on slide 30 in the December town halls main presentation. Please note that the data in this file are DRAFT as of 2.27.2024 and subject to change prior to the finalization of the 2023 Boundary and Student Assignment Study in March 2024.

If you have questions about the data in this file, please email [email protected].

For more school planning data and information, please visit DME's EdScape website.