(Washington, DC) – On Thursday, July 7, at 12 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will launch the Career Coach DC program and highlight investments in District programs to help residents progress in their careers from internships, summer employment, to training and supports.
Mayor Bowser’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget invested $3.4 million to create the Career Coach DC Grant program, which will offer DC residents personalized support and connect them to education, training, and employment opportunities.
The Mayor will visit a free Tech 101 Workshop, operated by the Office of the Chief Technology Officer and taught by Mayor Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Program digital ambassadors, which offers residents the opportunity to learn new skills using their smartphones and tablets.
Thursday, July 7, at 12 pm
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Dr. Unique Morris-Hughes, Director, Department of Employment Services
Lindsey Parker, Chief Technology Officer
Ahnna Smith, Executive Director, Workforce Investment Council
Andrew Addison Newby, MBSYEP at the Office of the Chief Technology Officer
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, First Floor
901 G Street, NW
*Closest Metro Station: Metro Center Metro Station*
*Closest Capital Bikeshare Station: 8th & H Street NW*
Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to press@dc.gov.
The DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment will provide a live feed of the media avail. To view event online visit mayor.dc.gov/live, tune in on Channel 16 (DCN) or any of the social media platforms below.
Social Media:
Mayor Bowser Twitter: @MayorBowser
Mayor Bowser Instagram: @Mayor_Bowser
Mayor Bowser Facebook: facebook.com/MayorMurielBowser
Mayor Bowser YouTube: https://www.bit.ly/eomvideos