Friday, March 15, 2019DC Public Education Master Facilities Plan 2018 (MFP) appendices. Appendices A.16, A.17, A.20, and A.25 were revised as of February 2019. Attachment(s): A.1 Number of School Facilities by Ward_Sector, 2013-2017.xlsx A.2 Modernization by School, 2002-2008.xlsx A.3 Schools Modernized After 2008.xlsx A.4 Facility Condition Index, Schools in District-Owned Facilities SY2017-18.xlsx A.5 Facility Condition Index, Schools in Non-District Owned Facilities SY2017-18.xlsx A.7 Schools with One or More Programs, SY2017-18.xlsx A.8 Historic Enrollment Share by Sector Since SY2008-09.xlsx A.9 Change in Program Enrollment, SY2014-15 to SY2017-18.xlsx A.10 Programs Offered With Percent Change, SY2014-15 to SY2017-18.xlsx A.11 Programs Offered with Absolute Change, SY2014-15 to SY2017-18.xlsx A.12 Programs Offered by Ward, SY2014-15 to SY2017-18.xlsx A.13 Utilization Status SY2017-18.xlsx A.14 FY2019-FY2024 CIP Investment Costs by Project and Year ($US Million).xlsx A.15 PACE Modernization Prioritization Rankings.xlsx A.16 DCPS SY2017-18 Aud Enroll, SY2022-23 and SY2027-28 Proj Enroll by School.xlsx A.17 DCPS SY2017-18 Aud Enroll, SY2022-23 and SY2027-28 Proj Enroll_GrowthPln.xlsx A.18 Public Charter School Growth Plans by School.xlsx A.20 DCPS Gap Analysis.xlsx A.21 PCS Gap Analysis.xlsx A.22 PCS Gap Analysis - LEA.xlsx A.25 Gross Square Feet by Facility SY2017-18.xlsx