View publications created by DME's Citywide Education Data for Policy and Planning team. Supporting data downloads are available.
The UPSFF is the District’s single best tool for achieving funding equity for young people. This study—both its undertaking and its delivery—represents the Bowser Administration’s commitment to providing all students with the resources they need to achieve success and build family-sustaining careers. Per DC Official Code §38–2911, OSSE will convene the 2020 UPSFF Working Group beginning in August to solicit input and recommendations regarding revisions to the formula. This body of work will strengthen and ground conversations about the UPSFF and school funding among our city’s education stakeholders for years to come.
Fact Sheets describe the District's public schools and students attending them. The fact sheets contain information such as number, location, enrollment, capacities, and academic programs of our public schools. In addition to the citywide report, additional reports are available for specific grade levels (elementary, middle, and high schools).
Public School Enrollment Trends (2011-2016) provides an analysis of population and public school enrollment changes inthe District including key takeaways and supporting data.